©2011 Aki Irie

15th Manga Division Jury Selections

Gray and wonder around her

Manga published in book form, in magazine [Japan]



The Uruma family, who live in hiding in the provincial town of Haimachi, are magicians. The family of magicians consists of the kindly father, who transforms into a crow, the mother, who is the most powerful witch who ever lived, the older brother, who is the most popular boy at school and can turn into a wolf, and the precocious hero Ran, who causes crazy incidents by turning into an adult woman when wearing magic shoes; this work of fantasy features a family who just want to get on with each other and live a quiet life, but who keep becoming embroiled in wild incidents, whether involving love or exterminating monsters. The masterly story development and the problems unique to a “magic girl” are depicted vividly through the creator’s characteristic analog coloring.