10th Entertainment Division Critiques

The new frontier if presentation, further combining known technologies and ideas, seemed to have had a great impact on the evaluations

I could not find a single piece of work with an innovative technology as the core of a commercial, product among the works entered in the Entertainment Division this year. However, there were many works where new representations and techniques had been fully utilized and favorite technologies sought out, and most of them were taken into the final review. The amusing and serious qualities of their approaches in the quest for a new frontier of presentation, further combining known technologies and ideas, seemed to have had a great impact on the evaluations. In OKAMI, the Grand Prize Winner, the artist tackled the difficult theme of the Myth of Japan and realized a totally new world in an action adventure game with a fresh presentation of CG technology, which was highly appreciated by all the Jury members. We have seen various newly-developed home video game machines this year, but not one has managed a significant achievement. We hope that we will see a work which makes full use of original technology running on those platforms next year.

Game Producer
Born in Iwate, 1958. Af ter graduat ing f rom Okayama Universi ty of Science, the Facul ty of Engineer ing, the Department of Electrical Engineering, entered SEGA Enterprises (now SEGA Corp.). Two years later, introduced the world&rsquo's first sensory arcade game, HANG-ON. Has created several popular games such as the 3-D CG fighting game, VIRTUA FIGHTER (1993), and a family game, SHENMUE (1999). At present, the Creative Officer and the chief of the AM Plus R&D Division for the SEGA Corp.