GOGOTA Hisanori


Curator and Owner of Baikado

Born in 1962 in Fukui Prefecture. Graduated from Hosei University Graduate School with a master's degree in sociology. He worked as a curator in Fukui Fine Arts Museum and NTT Inter Communication Center [ICC] as well as being a full-time lecturer for the Curator Program at Tohoku University of Art & Design before starting up the gallery Baikado in Osaka in 2009. Currently a part-time lecturer at Nagoya University of Arts. His major exhibitions/projects include: Nihon no Pop - 1960's (Japanese Pop in the 1960's) (Fukui Fine Arts Museum, 1992), Fin-de-Siecle Machine Circus - SRL Japan Tour (ICC, 1999) and E.A.T. - The Story of Experiment of Art and Technology (ICC, 2003)

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