
Critic, Editor

NAKAGAWA Daichi was born in Tokyo in 1974. After earning credits in the doctoral program at Waseda Univer- sity's Faculty of Science and Engineer- ing, he withdrew from school and went on to publish various commentaries that bridge reality and ction by widely reading fields including Japanese thought, urban theory, anthropology, and information technology with a foundation in areas such as games, animation, and drama. He is the asso- ciate editor of the cultural review jour- nal, Planets, and his writings include Toukyou Sukai Tsuri-ron (The Tokyo Sky Tree Theory; Kobunsha, 2012) and Gendai Ge-mu Zenshi Bunmei no Yugi Shikan Kara (History of Modern Games: A Historical View of Games in Civiliza- tion; Hayakawa Publishing Corporation, 2016). He has also co-wrote or edited publications including Shisou Chizu vol. 4 (Atlas of Ideas Vol. 4; NHK Publish- ing, Inc., 2009) and Amachan Memori- zu (Ama-chan Memories; PLANETS/ Bungeishunju Ltd., 2013). He partici- pated in the script/series composition of the animated work, 6HP directed by MURAKAMI Takashi.

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