©Masahito Soda / KUSHO / SHOGAKUKAN

15th Manga Division Jury Selections

MOON ―Subaru Solitude standing―

Manga published in book form, in magazine [Japan]

SODA Masahito


The talented ballerina Subaru Miyamoto dances brilliantly despite her trying circumstances. Subaru is shunned by her peers and misunderstood by those around her because of her natural gift, which seems to have been discovered by the gods of art. Moon tells the story of the half of Subaru’s life as she pursues her beloved ballet at the expense of life’s other options, in spite of her solitude. The sequel to Subaru, this work is even more intensely drawn and more starkly dramatic. With its powerful portrayal of the single-minded heroine, it has garnered even more fans than the previous work.