11th Animation Division Critiques
[Critique by work category] Short Animation
From home and abroad, beyond the barrier of professionals and amateurs, or commercial work or independents, we received some 295 entries in short animation of all different genres including two-dimensional, stereoscopic, 3DCG, etc. The number of entries is increasing year by year with expanding possibilities of production environment. Plus I feel the quality is also improving. The 21 pieces of works which we chose after an agonizing effort from 295 entries are all outstanding in their respective originality. Since the contest was highly competitive, just two pieces of work were selected from short animation. However, I would like to note that AFTER SCHOOL MIDNIGHT, The Dandelion Sister, houkagoemerarudo, Mr. Cloud and Mr. Rain, and THE CLOCKWORK CITY were the works which made the screening process exciting up to the last moment of determining the award-winning works.