9th Art Division Critiques

[Critique by work category] Still Image

Works of still images are the center-core of the Art Division. In my opinion, one piece of still image can change time. I say this because I have made a discovery which I had never before encountered. The foremost aspects of Japan Media Arts Festival are that thoughts which have been generated from the brains of people who use different languages, live in different cultures, and have different customs and bodies and who made application from 44 different countries call for one direction. For example, the proliferating particles submitted by Andy LOMAS of the US. The strange shape formed with an endless number of particles which I wonder how he produced was attractive. In the map created by NISHIMURA Yoshiki of Japan the viewer can recognize it is somewhere on the globe. What does the red belt-like figure mean?It looks like a circle when one looks down from the air, whereas it looks like a belt which appears and disappears when one looks at it from the side. The yellow light by Aleksandra Smiljkovic VASOVIC of Serbia and Montenegro is also appealing. HAYASHI Shunsaku, the boy wonder, submitted a fine piece of art again this year. But it is a shame that his work doesn't have the strength to exceed when it faces other works with which it competes in the Art Division.

ASABA Katsumi
Art Director
Born in 1940. Through Light Publicity Ltd. , established ASABA Katsumi Design Inc. Worked on many advertisements for Suntory Ltd., Seibu Department Store, Ltd., and Misawa Homes Holdings Inc. He claimed many awards including the special prize in the Japan Advertising Artists Club, the Japan Advertising Award, a Medal with a Purple Ribbon, the Grand-Prix of Tokyo Art Director's Club Award, etc. Is currently a committee chairman of Tokyo ADC and a director of JAGDA. He has extensive knowledge of the living hieroglyph "Tompa characters" of China. Has reached the sixth rank in table tennis. Chairperson of the executive committee of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale) Congress 2006 in Japan.