10th Entertainment Division Critiques
[Critique by work category] Web
We hoped to find a work which is on the cutting edge among the web works, one which shows a rapid progress in the speed of computers and communications, a rich presentation of images and so on. The hope, sorry to say, was not fulfilled this year. I guess the reasons for this might be that it is not easy to reflect technological innovations which progress at an accelerated pace in web presentation. It has become increasingly complicated as the methods of advertisement have changed, and mutual development is required with the community and mobile phones. In the audition meeting, opinions were split in both the primary screening and the final screening, and various discussions took place. I made a recommendation to reconsider the concept of what we see as a "work&rdquo" in the genre of Web and demonstrate it for the future. Under these circumstances, in addition to the need for high-quality and high entertainment value, we gave importance to innovativeness in technical elements and content with good conception equally and in the end works which real zed the idea of interactiveness were selected. I do hope we will see a Web work win a Grand Prize next year.