9th Entertainment Division Critiques
[Critique by work category] Web
This year, we received a lot of high quality web based applications for the Entertainment Division and the diverse nature of the work required extensive debate during the judgments. As a result of the rapid distribution of broadband internet access, it is now increasingly possible to view visual contents, which used to be very difficult to access, with minimal stress. As a result of this technological progress, many entries no longer limit themselves to the simple presentation of images, but are now able to incorporate interactive elements. There was also an experimental work, which takes existing information as its contents and by using the renewal information on the internet, and all together, it became a form of entertainment. There was more than one tendency among the entries; this has meant that there was a great deal of interesting contents and clever use of the environment created by the internet, which was welcome. If this tendency continues, we can expect some surprising new web work next year.