14th Art Division Critiques
Questioning the massive amount of accumulated ”time”
What I felt in participating in this screening was the sense of "time." It may be similar to the confusion felt when standing silently in front of several hundred different sized cans. Humans are given a limited amount of time to live. We are like strings of set lengths. Today, in the information space, works are proliferating by massive numbers, creating massive accumulations at a speed that conflicts with our individually allotted amounts of time. Hundreds of thousands of songs and thousands of images. Thinking about the length of one's string, which has far surpassed one's tangible limits, leaves us with a sense of emptiness. In the case of still images, rationality that leads moving expression and massive amounts of information to instantaneous understanding serves to support the quality of expression. How should the concept of time be recognized in works that require "time?" The shortsighted problem of needing to simply shorten the amount of time is obvious, but what sensations should be made to work there? This is the question that has been generated.