13th Entertainment Division Critiques
I went to see the movie THIS IS IT between the first screening and the final screening sessions. In this posthumous Michael JACKSON film, there are scenes in which Michael was persistently modifying the music arrangement during a rehearsal in order to make it sound closer to what the audience was expecting to hear, rather than what the band wanted to play. I saw the pride of the King of Entertainment in those scenes. I understand that entertainment is not only about pushing the expression of the performer, but also about meeting the expectations of the audience first, and then subverting them pleasingly. I believe that is a big difference between art and entertainment; a quality production should always exist between the desires of the entertainer and the entertained. The expressions of visual images are one step less powerful than games in terms of their strength of fascination. Advertisements are even weaker, as the message of the sender has to be emphasized, which is unfortunate.