Makoto Ayusawa / Uno Kamakiri / Kazuo Ozawa / Ryu Kumita / Kazu Kuroiwa / Yukiyoshi Tokoro / Kenji Morita / Kenkichi Yaoita
1987 Ten professional cartoonists formed FECO Nippon, a branch of the Federation of European Cartoonists Organizations established 1984, on July 14, Bastille Day. 1991 ten professional cartoonists formed FECO Nippon, a branch of the Federation of European Cartoonists Organizations established 1984, on July 14, Bastille Day. The group held the Sekai Manga Kamata Koshinkyoku ("1991 World Manga Kamata March 1991") in Kamata, Tokyo. 1997 On the occasion of FECO Nippon's 10th anniversary, the group changed it's basic direction from organizing overseas exhibitions to that of a print media, and changed its name to JAPUNCH. The now eight-member group published a hardcover collection of cartoons titled Caricatures Nipponnes (Nippon Cartoons) that sold for 125 francs. The book was published in France and marketed by Jupiter.The third and fourth collections, BBOW WOWW on the theme of "dogs", 2000.
( 2001 )