Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1966, UDA graduated from the Animation Department of Tokyo Design Academy. Starting off as an assistant director trainee in the feature animation film Transformers: The Movie in 1986, he became the assistant director and production assistant of the TV anima- tion Transformers: The Headmasters in 1987, and has since directed many Toei Animation lms including SAILOR MOON and YOUNG KINDAICHI'S CASE BOOK. He also directed several TV animations and animated feature lms including Galaxy Kickoff, GALAXY EX- PRESS 999 Eternal Fantasy, ONE PIECE THE MOVIE, Rainbow Fireflies (a Jury Selection of the 16th Japan Media Arts Festival) and Onagawa Chuu Basuke Bu: 5-nin no Natsu (The Summer of the Five Members of Onagawa Junior High School Basketball Team).