©2014 Kenichi Okada/Kunie Hiyamizu/Kazunori Harimoto/Hirotaka Watanabe/Gongzhen Liu

18th Art Division Jury Selections

Giraffe’s Eye

Interactive video installation

OKADA Kenichi / HIYAMIZU Kunie / HARIMOTO Kazunori / WATANABE Hirotaka / LIU Gongzhen [Japan]


An installation which, through ultra-high-resolution video and an interactive interface, reproduces the throng of activity once permeating a huge shared studio complex that closed in 2014. In order to realistically capture events taking place in each studio, the camera recorded from above, generating a huge synthesized moving image. By touching the location you want to see on screen, it is possible to observe the daily routine of artists of some 50 studios.