© NISHIMURA Tsuchika 2010

15th Manga Division New Face Award


Manga published in book form, in magazine [Japan]



This work boldly and trendily evokes somehow-warped relationships between men and women using a unique drawing style. With an original perspective, the artist transforms modern themes such as bullying, Lolita complex and camera / video voyeurism into a world that one could describe as a fairy-tale. Featuring dialog with an incisive edge, the way in which the artist creates a unique sense of “timing,” and the development of the dark drama have struck a chord with readers among the younger generation. This book – the author’s first – contains a collection of sensitively-depicted short stories overflowing with the genius of this up-and-coming young manga artist, who has only just made her debut.

Reason for Award

A promising newcomer who depicts an absurd world with original stories
Common to all these strange stories is that their protagonists are both abuser and/or abused, with expressions conveying an odd torment and tension. In a sense this seems akin to the depression harbored by Edvard Munch, painter of The Scream. It is impossible to know what a person will do in the next instant. In this respect humans differ fundamentally from other animals, and people must live with such fear in order to live with each other. The author’s commitment to calmly depicting this absurdity, and the amazing boldness and sense of speed of the illustrations, make for an imposing newcomer from whom great things can be expected in the future.