7th Animation Division Grand Prize
The Winter Days
Animated feature film
KAWAMOTO Kihachiro, etc. [Japan]
Reason for Award
There have been many attempts to create full-length animation by combining short animation, a relatively free and personal expression unit. On the other hand, this work successfully constructed a piece of full-length animation, which inevitably entailed a clear distinction from those of past attempts by adopting uniquely Japanese “renku” (a linked series of Japanese poems composed by two or more people) as a cohesive rule that links works tending to become disintegrated due to different styles and methods. This work was the most remarkable feat of this year in that it broke new ground for the new potential of short animation that tends to be restricted in number of expression forms due to its short length, and in that it contributed to the development of Japanese culture via expression medium of animation. In particular, we wish that those who do not usually see short animation would get to see this gorgeous contest of top artists.