10th Manga Division Critiques
[Critique by work category] Frame Manga, Independent Manga, On-line Manga, Others
The number of entries to the Festival has grown steadily every year, but, sorry to say, the number of Frame Mangas was unchanged, and the number of On-Line Mangas and Independent Mangas decreased by almost half. In fact, there were only 2 entries from abroad this year. Admittedly, there is a problem in how we assess a piece of work in a foreign language, but I would like to invite a wide range of entries from abroad by taking various measures and increase the number of submission of works from abroad as much as possible.
Speaking of the contents, the works of OnLine Ma nga including Independent Manga which had impressed readers by using distinctive digital methods attracted our attention. However, it was a shame that they all stopped at the point where they produced the "method" but somehow they were not accompanied by interesting aspects of content. At the same time, there was a work which was overall not really special , but nonetheless created a favorable impression and it reminded me that "an On-Line Manga has an aspect which can be kept going in color." Also, in Frame Mangas, including Independent Manga, I had an impression that there were many works making skillful use of CG and moving images. I would like to hold out hope for the emergence of a new talent.