11th Entertainment Division Critiques
[Critique by work category] Game, Electronic Play Equipment, Character, Others
Every video game entry was finished to a high level of perfection and the overall standard of entertainment value was above average, which demonstrates how deeply rooted video game culture is in this country. On the other hand, because they were all well made, the individual personality of the creator was often obscured; professional game designers are facing a difficult challenge in consistently finding and maintaining a balance between quality as art and the demands of merchandise. There was no Excellence Prize winner from the Electronic Play Equipment, Character or Others categories; there was nothing that especially excelled with regards to novelty or individuality. It seemed as though they were overshadowed by the entries in the other categories. The applicants for this division are clearly type casted; video game entries are typically those of game companies', whilst entries in the Electronic Play Equipment, Character, and Others categories are generally the work of individuals or artist collaborations. We hope that this tendency will somehow change in the future.