21st Entertainment Division Critiques
The Challenge of Establishing New Value Axes
Last year, I wrote that I found myself wondering if the time for having a distinct entertainment division within Media Arts may have run its course. Beyond doubt, the establishment of "Media Arts" and the existence of "en- tertainment" both possess great energy. However, the issue would seem to be what it means to tie them to- gether and assess them, and what we attempt to derive from that.If artwork that has already gained the approval of many people is commercially successful and called amazing by all, what meaning is there in subsequent praise? However, following repeated and thorough discussions including that issue, offering a value axis that does not strive for singular distillation leaves us with the trial and error and different presentations of the diligent application of "entertainment as Media Arts" and "Media Arts as entertainment" that is occurring in this age. More than what value axis to endorse even if various value axes are being pursued, what roused in- tense discussion was the key point of whether sufficient achievement or persuasive problem presentation were accomplished, or whether the works fail to go beyond questions posed in the previous stage.Last year, I personally felt that I did not fully evaluate several works, but if the achievements and posing of problems truly point to the future, then going forward, that will surely become evident in some shape or form. Jury members strive as much as possible not to over- look that aspect and should push toward demonstration of results, but detection at the germination stage is difficult. At any rate, right now we are witnessing the challenge of establishing new value axes. Discussions on ways of leveraging technology have naturally be- come discussions involving the quality of behavior and human emotion at the time of contact. It goes without saying that the variety and caliber of the submitted works made that possible. I am very much looking for- ward to what comes next.